Planning as a Service (PaaS) is an extendable API to deploy planners online in local or cloud servers is an open-source robotic platform to explore problems on AI and Automation (Planning, Vision, Learning) for small scale agricultural experiments.
Width Based Planning searches for solutions through a general measure of state novelty. Performs well over black-box simulators and PDDL problems.
Planimation is a framework to visualise sequential solutions of planning problems specified in PDDL
Planning is the branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that seeks to automate reasoning about plans, most importantly the reasoning that goes into formulating a plan to achieve a given goal in a given situation. AI planning is model-based: a planning …
Awarded top performance classical planners in serveral International Planning Competitions 2008 - 2019
Invariants, Traps, Un-reachability Certificates, and Dead-end Detection
Software to support AI courses in Mel & RMIT Unis (Melbourne, AUS)
Classical Planners playing Atari 2600 games as well as Deep Reinforcement Learning
Lightweight Automated Planning ToolKiT (LAPKT) to build, use or extend basic to advanced Automated Planners